Blackjack is a well-known table game with fairly simple rules. The main objective is to get the hand as close to 21 as possible, beating the dealer in the process. The payout is calculated for a regular hand - 1:1 and with Blackjack - 3:2. When placing a bet, the player and the dealer are each dealt two face-up cards. One of the dealer’s cards is hidden, the other is exposed. The player chooses between drawing additional cards (HIT) or declining drawing (Stand). Also, there is an option of splitting the hand, doubling the bet and placing an insurance bet. It only remains to make a choice and enjoy the gameplay to the fullest.
- Provably fairness
- Hot keys
- Free Bets
- Demo mode
- Configurable RTP
- Adaptive for blockchain technology
- Supporting more than 20 languages and 100 currencies
- RTP 96%
- 20+ languages
- 100+ currencies