The popular card game Andar Bahar is brought to light in new riveting ways. Now players have an exclusive opportunity to carry the day: each day, we promise! The game uses a standard deck of cards. When “Joker” is dealt with, one should precisely predict the next card: whether it will be on the side of Andar or Bahar. A one-off feature, Tornado focuses on boosting joy and excitement, which is intensified by various betting markets and maximum odds, side bet placements and an unlimited number of players in a round. The solution is provably fair, thus giving confidence and carefreeness to players. Operators are guaranteed an increase in player acquisition and, hence, their turnover.
- Feature Tornado: highest odds on the market
- 15 betting markets
- A very low minimum bet amount
Provable fairness calculator
- 20+ languages and 150+ currencies
- An unlimited number of users in one round
- 3 game types with different limits and designs
- RTP 97%
- Freebet Promotional Tools
- 22+ languages
- 150+ currencies